Smelling Kinda Funky?

We can help!

One day my dear friend Connie, gave me a bar of soap as a gift. All of you who already buy our soap can join me in thanking Connie. That soap changed my life. I know. It’s silly, but true.

I could NOT figure out the fragrance and I had tossed out the wrapper on the first day I opened it. I liked the smell. Then I loved the smell. It reminded me of something.

I found myself spending a little extra time each morning contemplating my life because that smell got in my mind in a way that made me think of feelings from childhood. Not actual memories, but whimsical emotions just on the edge of remembrance.

I kept a two inch piece of that soap for comparison and when I started making soap of my own, I finally discovered the elusive fragrance:

Dragon’s Blood (Click here to buy)!

Our soap is made with the hot process method for superior fragrance retention. What that means is that the liquid, lye and oils are cooked until the batter becomes actual soap. When the batter cools, THEN the fragrance is carefully swirled in. It’s technical, I know. But I get excited about my craft and you should know - I am all about the smell. I don’t want to smell funky!

When you encounter our soap, take the time to breathe it in.

Oil and perfume make the heart glad….

Proverbs 27:9

P.S. If you smell great, but your dog is a mess, try our Lavender, Milk & Oatmeal Soap!


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