The Reasons I Haven’t Mowed the Lawn
You get a clue from the photo that dandelions have something to do with me not wanting to get out there and mow our lawn!
“Ask rain from the Lord in the season of the spring rain, from the Lord who makes the storm clouds, and He will give them showers of rain, to everyone the vegetation in the field.” Zechariah 10:1
We had an awesome season of rain this year! The wildflowers are going crazy, streams are rippling over rocks, and formerly brown plants are green again!
The dandelions in our yard just started blooming the other day! We need an ample supply of them to put in jars and cover with silky olive oil for one of our essential oil soaps - Sunny Dandelion.
The washed, dried flowerheads are submerged in oil and placed in a bright window sill to soak up the rays. We use flowers and herbs we know are 100% chemical free because we harvest what we grow ourselves.
We feel the same way about our cattle which brings me to the second reason to not mow yet- the cows are enjoying it!
We know what our cattle eat, which gives us confidence that our beef is going to be good for us. When I see them lazily chomping on blackberry leaves, grass and clover, I marvel at the transformation that takes place from ingested vegetation to meat.
Besides, they are so entertaining! Every morning, I look out my window and watch the cows playing in the grass. This may be new information to you, but they are hilarious. At least our cows are. Every one of them has a personality that is identifiable from far away. If I watch them for a few minutes, I can usually tell who is who by what they are doing. There is always a pecking order game being played and it seems that the Top Beef changes daily. Whichever one comes up to us first for scratches and apples in the evening is the apparent winner!